In any car accident scenario the approach of the insurance company is most important. Of course, the main aim is to deny your just claims any way they could. In order to prevent this, the injury lawyer in Brampton would work by your side. The insurers tend to look at the smallest details regarding the accident. Therefore, you cannot afford to ignore any of your injury claims. It is wrong to believe that just because you were not at fault, you will get compensation amounts automatically. It used to happen years ago but does not any more. At that time, just an involvement in accident meant that you would get some kind of compensation.
Injury lawyer in Brampton wants you to base your assumptions today on reality. Dramatic changes in the law today have forced the insurance company to assess various associated factors. There are
certain things that you might not consider important but insurers do. Knowing about these make sense.
1. Liability is not important everywhere: in rear end collisions for example, the other party is automatically at fault. This however does not happen. Insurers
tend to overlook fault. Liability works as an afterthought. The main concern tends to be the injuries. Do they surpass threshold levels? If, the answer to this is no, you may not get any
compensation irrespective of the party at fault. Injury lawyer in Brampton wants you to understand this. Also, your injuries should be more than the deductibles related to car accident claims.
How the accident happened matters the least.
2. Property damage to car: when drunk driver hits your car, anything might happen. If you are in luck, the car was at slow speed and things do not get serious.
Here clearly, the other party was responsible. However, the insurance companies would consider the damage to the concerned cars and speed of vehicles. According to injury lawyer in Brampton, even
at quite low speeds, injuries might occur. To get compensation in such cases, one has to convince jury emphatically.
3. Pre-accident functioning: how active were you before this accident? Were you in a gainful employment or on disability? Probably you are suffering from some
kind of chronic pain and used to take prescribed medicines. The insurance company would try to dissect your situation. Probably you are trying to gain from the accident. Has it ruined your life
in actual? Insurers emphasize upon your functioning level. What is the situation post-accident?
4. Treatment and medication: injury lawyer in Brampton wants you to be serious regarding treatment and medication. The insurers tend to search for loopholes in
this aspect quite frequently. Do you complain of anxiety and depression? How are you coping? Answers to all these questions are relevant. All of these aspects are taken into account when the
claim is settled. To read more Click Here